In I am Empowered Yoga, each affirmation is said while practicing a corresponding pose. Each affirmation has several possible poses that, together, help the yoga practioner invoke the desired emotion and reach a greater sense of empowerment and self-assuredness. The pose should be held for approximately one minute and the affirmation is said five (5) times, out loud, on the "out breath" or exhale.  Here are some examples.


I am Powerful

Virbadraasana II or "Warrior II"

Standing at the front of your space. step the left foot all the way back and turn the back foot to a 45 degree angle. The feet should line up and the hips should be open the left. Bend into the front knee, being careful to keep the knee over the ankle and the front thigh parallel to the floor. Outstretch the arms in line with the shoulders, palms facing the earth and look over the front fingers. Take five deep breaths and on each"out breath" or exhalation, repeat "I am Powerful!" Repeat this pose and affirmation on the right side.


I am Fearless

Trikonasaana or "Triangle"

Standing at the front of your space. step the left foot all the way back and turn the back foot to a 45 degree angle. The feet should line up and the hips should be open the left. Outstretch the arms in line with the shoulders, palms facing the earth and reach the right hand out toward the front of your space. Drop the right hand down toward the floor resting the right palm on the floor or on a block. Left hand reaches toward the sky. Take five deep breaths and on each"out breath " or exhalation, repeat "I am Fearless!" Repeat this pose and affirmation on the right side.


I am Grateful

Paschimotanaasana or "Seated Forward Bend"

Sitting on your mat with the legs together straight out in front, toes pointing up towards the sky and reaching the heels away from you, lengthen the spine and sit up tall. Inhale the arms out and up. As you exhale hinge forward over the legs and release the hands to wherever is comfortable on your legs. Try to keep the back flat and lengthen the spine so that your belly and chest are moving toward the legs with a flat back. Try not to round the back. Take five deep breaths and on each"out breath " or exhalation, repeat "I am Grateful!" Repeat this pose and affirmation on the right side.